Assessment Calendar Change
In 2018 the Alternative Real Property Assessment Calendar (P.L. 2018, c. 94) was signed into law for New Jersey by Governor Murphy. After careful consideration the Alternative Real Property Assessment Calendar was adopted by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Burlington via Resolution # 2020- 00149 on April 9, 2020 to begin implementation as of October 1, 2020. View Resolution (PDF)
The assessment calendar change will benefit property owners and municipalities by completing the appeal process before tax bills are generated in 2021 and each year subsequently.
Important Dates
Notification of Assessment Postcards: November 15 of pre-tax year
Assessment Appeal Filing Deadline: January 15
All requests or inquiries about an OPRA request from all departments should be directed to the Township Clerk’s page.
Property Taxpayer Bill of Rights P. L. 2017, c. 128.
The Property Taxpayer Bill of Rights ensures that: 1) All property taxpayers are accorded the
basic rights of fair and equitable treatment under the State Constitution and laws of New Jersey;
2) All property taxpayers receive the information and assistance they need to understand and
meet their property tax responsibilities.
Services to Property Taxpayers
As a property taxpayer, you have the right to obtain information explained in simple,
nontechnical terms about:
- Your responsibilities and rights as a property owner and property taxpayer;
- Your real property assessment and how it is determined and calculated;
- Your right to appeal and how to appeal an assessment you believe is incorrect as to your
property or as to another property in the same county and the time limits involved;
- Your right, in the context of a property tax appeal, to view the property record card of
other real property in the municipality;
- Responsiveness You have the right to expect questions will be responded to within a
reasonable amount of time;
- Statements and Notices You have the right to expect all notices you receive will clearly
identify the purpose of the communication and the proper procedure when responding;
- For More Information Many Local Property Tax forms and publications are available
on our website;
Assessments are based on a market value of a property at the time of the Township wide Revaluation Date. A Revaluation for the community was completed for the tax year 2017. The current ratio for Burlington Township is 69.07% and the current year (2024) tax rate is $3.032 per $100.00.
200’ Property Owner Request Form
A form is required along with a $10.00 fee for each property in question when requesting a certified list of current property owners within 200 feet of a particular property that you are required to send notification of pending Zoning and or Planning Board requests by certified mail.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the current Tax Rate?
2024 Certified Tax Rate is $3.032 per hundred of the property's Tax Assessment. 2023 Certified Tax Rate was $2.987 per hundred of the property’s Tax Assessment. The 2022 Tax Rate was $2.974 per hundred of the property's Tax Assessment.
How do I Appeal my Taxes?
You can only appeal your property Tax Assessment, not your actual taxes.
Tax Appeal Information
Appeals are filed at the County after the property owner receives their 2025 property assessment cards, these post cards will be sent out beginning November 15, 2024 with a 2025 deadline of January 15, 2025. As of 2014 Burlington County has been participating in an online appeal system. The following link allows the tax payer the option to file online without having to file the appeal at the county and a copy to the municipality’s Tax Assessor and Clerk or print out and file a paper appeal with copies to each of the offices. As of 2015 there is a supplemental form that can be utilized to show the comparison of your property to comparable sales that have sold between October 1, 2023 and October 1, 2024. This form needs to be submitted with the paper appeal form or scanned and attached with the Online Appeal form. The 2024 County Online Appeal site will be available sometime in December 2024.
The Added/Omitted Appeal Deadline for 2024 will be December 1, 2024 and this year they are available online as of October 20, 2024 if filing by paper they must be delivered to the Burlington County Tax Board, 49 Rancocas Road, Mount Holly, NJ 08060 by 5:00 pm on December 1, 2024.
I’m a veteran and want to know if there are any programs that I qualify for?
Maybe. If you served during specific dates you may qualify for a $250.00 per year deduction. First you must fill out an application and submit it along with a copy of your DD214 discharge paper to the Tax Assessor’s office. You must be listed as the owner the property on the deed and be a citizen and legal resident of New Jersey as of October 1st of the prior year. (See application and instructions for more details.) Also, a widow of a veteran may be entitled to this deduction if the veteran was a resident of New Jersey at the time of their death. If you are a disabled veteran or a widow of a disabled veteran that has been classified as 100% totally and permanently disabled you may be eligible for a tax exemption.
What are the requirements for farmland assessment?
Farmland assessment is for properties that have a minimum of 5 acres that are actively devoted to agricultural or horticultural use and generate income ($) amount specified by State, which is currently Gross Sales of at least $1,000 annually on the 1st 5 acres and an average of $5.00 per acre on the acreage above the 1st 5 acres. This will also depend on the type of farming. This use must be active for 2 years prior to filing the application. The application must be filed each year by August 1st.
Are there any deductions for seniors or Disabled Persons?
Yes, if you meet the requirements for age, residency and income. If you are disabled you must show proof of the 100% permanently disabled status rather than age. You can apply at any time by filing an application with the Tax Collector’s Office or the Tax Assessor’s Office for a deduction of $250.00.
For State programs and other forms which are available please go on the state website:
Additional Links
Contact Information
Phone: (609) 239-5827
Fax: (609) 387-3129
Tax Assessor’s Office Staff
James J. Renwick – Tax Assessor
(609) 239-5828 (Mon & Thurs. Only)
Cell # (856) 220-7327
Jennifer Garabrant - Assistant to the Tax Assessor
(609) 239-5827