Welcome to your Burlington Township Public Works page. I hope the information contained herein is helpful to you, the residents and taxpayers of Burlington Township, so you can take full advantage of the varied services we provide. The Public Works & Utilities Office Department is responsible for all matters relating to the management, maintenance, and operation of physical properties and roads belonging to Burlington Township. Please use the additional links to access further information or you can call the Public Works Office at (609) 239-5909 to ask your questions.
Water Department
Residents who have lawn sprinkler systems should have their systems turned off, and winterized before the freezing weather arrives. This will eliminate damage to your system and help prevent water loss due to leaks. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
* If you see anyone utilizing a fire hydrant, please contact the Public Works Main Office at 609-239-5909, or the Police Department at 609-386-2019. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. *
Sewer Department
All residents are asked to check their Sewer Curb Lids to be sure the lids are secured and in no way cracked or broken. This will help alleviate any debris from entering into your sewer line and causing possible damage. If you are experiencing trouble with your sewer line, please contact the Public Works Office at 239-5909. If the problem occurs in the evening or weekends call 609-386-2019.
IT IS AGAINST TOWNSHIP ORDINANCE 467.16, Discharges to sanitary sewer system, B, No person, firm, corporation, owner, user or tenant of any lands and premises shall cause to be drained, permit to flow or deposit into any part of the sewer system the following matter:
(1) Gasoline, naphtha or other explosive matter, acid matter having antiseptic properties, garbage, offal, animals, vegetable parings, ashes, cinders, rags, wax, oils or other articles or things which are liable to injure said sewer system or any part thereof or obstruct the flow of sewerage therein.
Additional Pages
Contact Information
Public Works & Utilities
Director of Public Works
George Coolidge, CPWM
Water Department Superintendent:
Joseph Tarbutton
Sewer Department Superintendent:
Dave Coleman
Phone: (609) 239-5909
Fax: (609) 387-2842
Email: publicworks@twp.burlington.nj.us
Office Location:
1106 Oxmead Road
Burlington, NJ 08016
Mailing Address:
851 Old York Road
Burlington, NJ 08016
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday
7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Closed Weekends and Major Holidays