November 20, 2020
It is no secret that the COVID-19 cases have spiked in the State of New Jersey over the past month. In Burlington Township, the County has reported 60 new cases since Sunday. Our totals through November 18, 2020 are 923 positive cases and 85 fatalities. While the deaths are primarily associated with the long-term facilities in the Township. The number of positive cases are primarily community based.
We are all suffering from COVID Fatigue. As the COVID-19 restrictions have been relaxed, we also have become less vigilant in implementing the routines we adopted as we flattened the curve. Unlike in April and May, many of us know, have been in close contact with individuals who have unfortunately tested positive for the virus or have had our lives disrupted by closures due to self-quarantining.
The virus has proven that if given an opportunity to spread, it will. We ask every member of the community for their assistance and cooperation to recommit to incorporate the mitigation guidelines that were previously successful to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus into their daily routine:
1. Wear a mask. Pursuant to the applicable Executive Orders face coverings are required in indoor public spaces and recommended in outdoor public spaces, except when social distancing is difficult to maintain.
2. Practice good hygiene. Wash your hands often.
3. Practice social distancing, and
4. Stay home if you are sick.
With the holidays approaching, many of us are planning family gatherings to celebrate with those we love. The recommendation from health professionals is that we should avoid travel, keep holiday gatherings to less than ten (10) people indoors, keep windows open for ventilation when inside along with the measures above. It is a reality that the choice of how you celebrate the holiday is left to each and every one of you. As you make your plans, please consider that as a community, over the past few months, we have seen how easy it is for an outdoor family reunion and holiday party to become super spreader events. If you are going to gather as a family to celebrate the holiday, you are encouraged to implement the recommendations to the extent possible and practice good mitigate techniques.
Finally, if you happen to be unfortunate enough to test positive, please cooperate with County Health Department’s contract tracers. The information that they gather is a critical tool in preventing the spread of the virus to your families and others in the community.
I wish you all a safe and healthy holiday.
Brian Carlin
Mayor, Burlington Township