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10/27/2023 - Announcement from Mayor Green

It gives us great pleasure to announce and present our Newly Appointed Township Administrator, Ms. Jodi M. Botlinger. 

Ms. Botlinger is a “Total Township Product”; being not only our first locally Born, Raised, Grown and Graduated Administrator, she is the “First” Female Administrator. 

She is purely a product of her / our environment; the Falcon Nation, and for that, we are Proud. 

Most recently Ms. Botlinger successfully completed her Certified Public Manager Certification through Rutger’s The State University, where some of her case studies became teachable examples for future classes. “Jodi” brings both practical and classroom knowledge to the Leadership of our township. You will find her to be a most accommodating individual.

Please join us in congratulating her for her accomplishments and this most recent promotional appointment.

Respectfully presented,
E.L. Pete Green

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