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10/12/2022 - Mayor Green - Your Tax Dollars at Work

As you can see by the accompanying Pie Chart, the distribution of your taxes remains basically unchanged, with the greatest percentage going to the education of our children. (64%). 

As the result of added assessments, combined with responsible, conservative budgeting, we’ve been able to pass along a decrease of $0.0003 per every $100 of assessed value or an average of $75.00 per household. The same can be said about the Township Schools, where the increase was absorbed by the ratables, thus resulting in a decrease.

The Local Purpose Tax ($ 0.18 per dollar), which is controlled by your Municipal Government, the Administrator and Department Heads, covers ALL of your Municipal Services, including the Police Department, Water, Sewer, Recreation, Licensing & Inspection, Construction Codes, Municipal Court, Finance, Municipal Clerk, Personnel, etc.

Given the current trends of inflation and short-comings in the supply chain, we have and continue to strive for a responsible budget.

Respectfully submitted,

Mayor Green

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/ Services