Division of Purchasing
The Division of Purchasing complies with procurement practices in accordance with the New Jersey Local Public Contracts Law 40:A:11-1 et seq. Its role is to coordinate the procurement of all goods and services for the Township of Burlington and centralize purchasing by processing formal bids and requests for proposals.
All sealed bids and requests for proposals are publicly opened by the Division of Purchasing. This ensures transparency and public assess to the procurement process.
Division of Personnel
The Department of Human Resources is devoted to maintaining a productive, hardworking, diverse and responsible workforce that carries out the Township’s goals and responds effectively to constituent inquiries and needs. If you are interested in employment, let this website be your guide. Here, you will find an application, as well as listings of public employment opportunities, when they become available. Feel free to contact us with any questions.
The Payroll Section maintains Burlington Township’s personnel database. These files include salary, job history, and time and attendance information. In addition, pension forms of various types, deferred compensation, W4s and W2s, disability forms, and employment verifications are also processed by the payroll staff.
Additional Links
Contact Information
Personnel Officer/Purchasing Agent
Stacey Schwoebel, QPA
Email: svail@twp.burlington.nj.us
Phone: (609) 239-5831
Fax: (609) 387-8411
Angelique Young
Email: ayoung@twp.burlington.nj.us
Phone: (609) 239-5838